My rating: 5 of 5 stars
**Spoiler Alert: Items in review may tell some of the key points of the story.**
Having literally just put Revenant down all I can say is WOW.
I've always loved Larissa's work - all of it - but especially her Demonica/LOD series. But Revenant? Holy cow. His book is A-MAZ-ING!
There were times when I was yelling out (in my head, naturally, lest my family hear me and come running!) and then I would hit the opposite end of the emotional spectrum, with tears falling down my cheeks. Larissa has an amazing talent for pulling you into her characters emotionally, but Revenant - a character everyone wanted to hate - stunned me the most.
To see Revenant and Reaver finally come together was... Well, since I was blessed with the privilege of reading this title well before its release, I don't want to give specifics because then that would ruin it for everyone. But I will say you will NOT be disappointed.
Rev's relationship with Blaspheme was endearing. For someone who was so scared, so damaged, so...living in hell, Revenant was given a moment to chase after Heaven.
And Blaspheme... Her story is one that had me gripping the book so hard that my knuckles turned white, all the while thinking, quit being so...good.
So you can imagine Revenant and Blaspheme together? Combustible. BOOM! *cue explosions*
I can tell you this - Revenant is not a book that you will want to put down once you pick it up. Even when I was done reading it, it was a loathsome feeling for me to actually set it down; I wanted to flip back to page one and start the journey all over again!
I can't wait to see what comes next in this amazing world - the kids. Oh, those naughty kids...
A powerhouse of Paranormal Romamce, Larissa Ione delivers a solid one-two punch with Revenant. I will take him anyway, anyplace. - Heaven or hell. Just give me the word "GO!" and I'm all over that.
Be ready for this one - release day, December 16th 2014
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