This is a dream come true for me! Years of reading work from wonderful Authors, published by Ellora's Cave, I have wished to be a part of such a great group. Now I am!! YEAH!!
I was thrilled by the response I received from publishers, having several contracts offered. I would like to thank all those who offered me opportunities; I have already written each of you personally, but wanted to say it here as well. I was honored to have such a wonderful response in the publishing community. Since the offers made to me have remained open, depending on my obligations to Ellora's Cave, I may consider them in the future. One day at a obligation at a Novel at a time. I need to get into my groove, to see what I am capable of producing, before I consider more obligations. What is important to me is taking the time to produce excellent work, not rushing to produce quantity.

I do not have publication dates yet, but as the process moves along I will keep everyone up to date. I am currently working on a Contemporary Romance Novella, which has a set deadline of September 2013. After this project is completed, I have two Paranormal Romance Novels planned. I have not yet decided what to do with the remaining two books of my contract, but as I go along it will become clearer. I have the option of creating two more stand-alone Novels, or even continuing one previous Novel into a series....decisions, decisions....
I do not have publication dates yet, but as the process moves along I will keep everyone up to date. I am currently working on a Contemporary Romance Novella, which has a set deadline of September 2013. After this project is completed, I have two Paranormal Romance Novels planned. I have not yet decided what to do with the remaining two books of my contract, but as I go along it will become clearer. I have the option of creating two more stand-alone Novels, or even continuing one previous Novel into a series....decisions, decisions....
For now, the following is planned with Ellora's Cave: Title (the genre/EC line) approx word count and deadline.
- Loving the CEO (Contemporary Romance/Romantica) 25-30k (possibly larger) September 2013
- Rising Dragon (Paranormal Romance/Twilight) 80-100k January 2014
- Corrupted (Paranormal Romance/Twilight) 80-100k June 2014
- TBD for books four and five
I cannot explain how thrilled I am and how difficult it has been for me to keep from announcing this wonderful news!! The offer was made to me months ago, and I have been writing during the contract phase, so no time lost. =)
I am also thrilled to announce that my Editor will be Kelli Collins! I am confident, with her talent and knowledge, we will create something which readers will enjoy.
I would like to personally thank Jaid Black, for without her, I would not have this opportunity. No matter the direction my career goes, I will always remember and thank Jaid for her place in starting it. Thank you Jaid. Your confidence means the world to me.
I would also like to thank all of you who have been a wonderful support to me over the last several months. I have gained an immense amount of knowledge through this process, and thanks to the wonderful Authors, many of whom I count as friends, you too have helped in my journey. I have met some absolutely amazing people and I am thankful to have each and every one of you in my life.
Thanks so much to everyone who has offered words of encouragement, advice, a shoulder of support, or even ears open, even though you probably got so tired of listening to me!!
I would like to thank Rae Monet for her assistance - not only in designing my wonderful website but for her friendship. I couldn't possibly have met a more wonderful person than Rae. *big hugs*
As I write this, it sounds like I am writing a damned speech for receiving an award....I swear, this is not the purpose. Ha-ha! But, I have to thank my family as well. Without their support none of this would be possible.
My Husband is my rock - and always there to support me in whatever dream I decide to chase. Married for almost twenty years now, together for almost 25, I am amazed he has put up with me....but what can I say, it was love at first sight, so he had no choice! Ha-ha! =) I love you.
Last, but never least, I have to thank my own Mum. Without her, I would be nothing - literally. She is the one, who from the very start of my life, taught me to not take less than I deserved. She instilled in me a desire to chase my dreams, no matter the work it took to achieve them. She is my endless support system. Always there, always with a smile on her face and her arms open for a hug. I love you dearly Mummers!
Here we go.....the start of a new journey. Thank you for your support and for playing a part of this most exciting time in my life!! =)
Big Hugs,
Shelbie =)